Team Work.
Building a successful team takes work.
It doesn’t take much for most of us to call to mind the challenges of being on a team—class project anyone? Teaming is tough because it involves bringing multiple personalities, perspectives, and approaches together. It requires us to put aside the freedom that comes from doing everything our own way and instead invest relational effort in creating alignment and moving forward together. It’s hard.
And because it’s hard, many team members focus on themselves, choosing to serve their own needs, rather than the needs of the team. They turn to self-protection and self-advancement thinking that approach will bring the success and fulfillment they are seeking. I know I find myself here at times. Unfortunately, this leads to the dysfunction and frustration that defines so many people’s experience with teams.
But it doesn’t have to be that way. Teams can be places of great personal fulfillment. Teams can be life-giving communities and powerful tools for the achievement of great things.
The key is for each member to put team before self, to shift their mindset from “me first” to “team first.”
And, as a result, everyone on the team benefits.
At WinShape Teams, we believe the success and fulfillment of an individual team member is directly tied to the success and fulfillment of the team. This is why my colleague Russ Sarratt and I wrote our new book, Team Work: 13 Timeless Principles for Creating Success and Fulfillment as a Team Member. In it, we make the case that better teams are possible, and they start with you, the team member. Whatever your role, you have the ability to build strength, health, and fulfillment in the team.